If you have a credit card processor attached to your computer, you have the ability to activate, credit, or sell gift cards on the Cashier Screen.
The following list contains the sequence of events that occur during a successful activation or credit of a gift card or paper certificate.
Gift Card Amount:
(A)ctivate New Card or (C)redit Existing Card, OR (P)aper Cert.? (A/C/P)
Note: | If the request fails, the screen will read Gift Card Failed Activation: Retry? (Y/N). Y will cause it to retry. N will display an error that the Gift Card has failed activation. |
Note: | If you typed A or C and the credit card reader is in use, you will receive the following message on the bottom of the cashier screen, Reader Locked by bay __, Press any key to continue. |
Note: | When the bay mentioned has completed the credit card transaction, the credit card reader will be available for processing. |
Credit Card Terminal Troubleshooting
The following list contains possible errors you may encounter and a brief description of the problem and its solution.
Error initializing serial device
Problem: The computer is not set up to process credit cards, or there is a problem with the credit card port on the computer.
Solution: Call ISI Customer Support to set up your processor to work with the software or correct a problem with your hardware.
Timeout waiting for credit card info
Problem: The most common problem occurs when the credit card won’t swipe automatically using the POS. This usually indicates you waited too long to swipe the card. It could also indicate that there is a problem with the communications link, or the magnetic strip on the credit card has become unreadable.
Solution: Wait for the timeout message, and then press [space bar]. Type the credit card information manually. Call the bank support after the transaction has finished processing to report the problem with the terminal.