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Using the Invoice Archiving Menu

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The Invoice Archiving Menu has the tools necessary to manage your invoices archived on diskettes. Invoice archiving is only for pre-printed invoice formats. This option is set up on screen 5 of the Center Control File (1-6-1-1).

The following steps to access the Invoice Archiving Menu.

  1. On the Main Menu, select Lubrication Menu.
  2. Select Customer Service Menu (4).
  3. Select Invoice Archiving Menu (7) to receive the following screen.

Menu Option Function
Format Diskette (Destructive) Formats an unformatted disk.
Verify an Archive Diskette Reads the information on the disk and provides you with the location number and the date range of the invoices archived to the disk.
Archive Invoices to Diskette Allows you to transfer old invoices to disk.

Caring for and Storing Your Archive Disks

Disks are sensitive and can be easily damaged. Remember these storage tips.

  • Keep the disks in their storage case.
  • Keep them away from tobacco smoke.
  • Do not overheat the disks. Keep them out of the sunlight.
  • Do not place them near magnets (for example, electric motors, radios, and magnetized screwdrivers).