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Setting Up Closing Processes

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For reports that are printed on a regular basis, LubeSoft® allows you to set up an automatic printing schedule. The Set Up Closing Processes screen is where you specify a period code for selected reports. This code tells the system to print the report during the daily, weekly, monthly, payroll, quarterly, or yearly closing. For example, if you want a certain report to print at closing each day, you enter D to identify it as a report to be printed daily. If there is another report that you want to print only once a month, you can enter M to print it during each monthly close.

It is best not to include more reports than necessary during closing, or your nightly procedures may take a long time. Most closing reports can be printed at any time from a menu option. In this article, you can find recommendations on whether and how often to print each report automatically. Look for these in the Recommendations for Using This Report section for each report, or in the Recommendations for Printing Reports article.

Note: When a report is printed as part of the closing process, the default date range is determined by the setup in Set Up Closing Processes. For other ranges, such as categories or employee IDs, the report prints all possible information. To run a report with a smaller range of information, you must print it from the menu.

Use the following instructions to access the Set Up Closing Processes screen and set up reports to print during the closing processes.

  1. On the Main Menu, select Lubrication Menu.
  2. Select Lubrication Setup Menu (6).
  3. Select Set Up Closing Processes (3) to receive the following screen. Fill in the appropriate fields for each report listed.

  1. Fill in the appropriate fields for each report listed.


Specify one of the following period codes for every report that you want to print. Do not specify a code for a report you do not need consistently.

Code Description What it does…
D Daily prints each daily close
W Weekly prints each weekly close
P Payroll prints each payroll close
M Monthly prints each monthly close
Q Quarterly prints each quarterly close
Y Yearly prints each yearly close
DW Daily/Weekly prints each daily and weekly close
DM Daily/Monthly prints each daily and monthly close
DQ Daily/Quarterly prints each daily and quarterly close
DY Daily/Yearly prints each daily and yearly close
DWM Daily/Weekly/Monthly  prints each daily, weekly and monthly close
DWQ Daily/Weekly/Quarterly prints each daily, weekly and quarterly close
DWY Daily/Weekly/Yearly prints each daily, weekly and yearly close
WM Weekly/Monthly prints each weekly and monthly close
WQ Weekly/Quarterly prints each weekly and quarterly close
WY Weekly/Yearly prints each weekly and yearly close
WQY Weekly/Quarterly/Yearly prints each weekly, quarterly and yearly close
WP Weekly/Payroll prints each weekly and payroll close
MP Monthly/Payroll prints each monthly and payroll close
QP Quarterly/Payroll prints each quarterly and payroll close
YP Yearly/Payroll prints each yearly and payroll close
MQ Monthly/Quarterly prints each monthly and quarterly close
MY Monthly/Yearly prints each monthly and yearly close
MQY Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly prints each monthly, quarterly and yearly close
QY Quarterly/Yearly prints each quarterly and yearly close

The nineteen codes on the bottom half of the list above are combination codes. These are useful when you want report information for more than one time frame. For example, your daily Statistics Report may be different from your weekly Statistics Report. By selecting the DW code, you would receive the daily report every day. You would receive the weekly report as well as the daily report at the end of each week. This way, you can have information for each day as well as each week overall. The WM combination code is often used for inventory reports so that you print a report weekly as well as on the last day of each month. Use the chart below to determine what codes are available for each report and what will print for each code.

Note: Remember that weekly closes and monthly closes are also daily closes. For reports that do not depend on the code to indicate a time frame, you will receive the same report twice at the weekly or monthly close if you use the DW or DM code.


Type Y to receive your printed report in summary format or N to receive your printed report in detailed format. Only the following reports have this option:

5. When you have entered a code for all reports you want automatically printed or transmitted, press [F4] to save your changes and return to the Lubrication Setup Menu.

Report Name Codes Available Time Frame for Report
Activity by Vehicle Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Adjustments Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Cash Drawer Audit Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Center Productivity Report D,W,M,Y,* for the current day, month and year to date
Coupon/Discount Analysis Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Daily Inventory Count D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for the current day
Deposit Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Disk Usage Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for the current point in time
Employee Activity By Item Report D,W,M,Q,Y, depends on code
Employee Commissions Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Employee Earnings Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Employee Overtime Spreadsheet D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Employee Productivity Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Employee Timesheet Audit Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for the current pay period
Employee Timesheet Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for the current pay period
Final Inventory Variance Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for the last six days
Fleet Comments Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for the current day
Fleet Management Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for past 125 days
Fleet Sales Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Franchise Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Incomplete Transaction Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for the current point in time
Inventory Items Received Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Inventory Usage Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Inventory Valuation Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* for the current month
Invoicing Exception Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code; M, Q and Y all print for current month
Out of Stock Sales Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Paid-In/Paid-Out List D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Price List D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for the current point in time
Quick Statistics Report D,W,M,P,Q,Y,* current day, week, month, quarter, and year to date
Reorder Notices Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for the current point in time
Revenue Reconciliation Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Sales by Category Report  D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Statistics Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code and setups for the Statistics Report
Stock Status Report D,W,P,M,Q,Y,* for the current point in time
Traffic Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* last four weeks
Transaction Report D,W,M,Q,Y,* depends on code
Warranty Report D,W,M,* depends on code


D – prints the report during each daily close

W – prints the report during each weekly close

M – prints the report during each monthly close

P – prints the report during each payroll close

Q – prints the report during each quarterly close

Y – prints the report during each yearly close

* – The following combination codes can be used: