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Setting Up a Fingerprint Scanner

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Use this screen to activate a fingerprint for clocking in and out, as well as customizing the settings.

Use the following steps to edit employee timesheets:

  1. On the Main Menu, select Lubrication Menu.
  2. Select Employee Menu (5).
  3. Select Set Up Fingerprint Scanner (6) to receive the following screen.

  1. Fill in the following fields:

Use Fingerprint Scanner

Enter Y to use the fingerprint scanner for clocking in and out.

Use Custom Unique ID

Enter Y to require employees to enter a custom unique ID.

Encode Custom Unique ID

Enter Y to encode the custom unique ID.

Require Enrollment Approval

Enter Y to require authorization for employees to enroll new fingerprints.

Custom Unique ID Prompt

If you want to have a custom message displayed when employees enter their custom unique IDs, type it in this field.

Unique ID Entry Mask

The Unique ID Entry Mask allows you to define the standard unique ID configuration for your employees. For example, JAD031878 is three letters followed by six numbers, so you could use the mask !!!###### to restrict all unique IDs to this format. Leave the mask field blank to accept any entry.

To Do this
Mask letters Type ! for each letter.
Mask numbers Type # for each number.
Mask all letter or numbers Type + for each letter or number.
Accept any character in the mask Type * for each character.