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Individual Paid Ins and Outs (k.shr file)

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The Individual Paid Ins and Outs information is taken from all the individual paid ins and paid outs for the day. To generate this file during End of Day, Invoice Information must be set to Y in getdata (see Setting Up Data Sharing) and a paid in or paid out must be performed.

File Naming Convention

The following table explains the naming conventions of the individual paid ins and outs data share file: #####k[md].shr

Field Definition
##### Store Number
k This character denotes that the file contains individual paid ins and outs.
m This character denotes the month. The characters range from to l and are as follows:

a = January d = April g = July j = October
b = February e = May h = August k = November
c = March f = June i = September l = December
d This character denotes the day. The characters range from a to z and 1 to 5 and are as follows:

a = 1 e = 5 i = 9 m = 13 q = 17 u = 21 y = 25 3 = 29
b = 2 f = 6 j = 10 n = 14 r = 18 v = 22 z = 26 4 = 30
c = 3 g = 7 k = 11 o = 15 s = 19 w = 23 1 = 27 5 = 31
d = 4 h = 8 l = 12 p = 16 t = 20 x = 24 2 = 28

File Contents

The following is an example of an actual record in what is known as “comma-delimited” format. This means that the information you entered in each field in this POS system record is separated by a comma.


We have numbered the fields in the following record in order to explain them more clearly to you. Each bolded number indicates one field.

Note: Some of the fields contained in this file are for internal system processing only and may not be useful to you.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
“1” “03/30/2005” “1” “1” “0.00” “MJ” “A” “O” “0.00” “C” “A” “V”
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
“1111111111111111” “01-01” “111111” “11111111” “12” “01” “S” “TB3JRE” “Y”

The following chart lists and describes the contents of the (k) data share file.

Num. Description Definition ISI Field Name Output Format* Quoted? Example Value General Release Version When Added
1 Store number The store number where created. inf0.store_nbr X(5) X 1 6.758
2 Date The date of the paid in/out. ##/##/#### X 03/30/2005 6.758
3 Loc The location where paid in/out was entered. inf10.loc #(2) X 1 6.758
4 Till The till the paid in/out was entered. inf10.till #(2) X 1 6.758
5 Amount The amount of the paid in/out. inf10.amount #(4).#(2) X 0.00 6.758
6 Empl The employee entering the paid in/out. inf10.empl X(6) X MJ 6.758
7 Desc The description entered. inf10.desc X(30) X A 6.758
8 Trantype “O” for paid out, “I” for paid in. inf10.trantype X(1) X O 6.758
9 Account The account specified in entry. inf10.account #(4).#(2) X 0.00 6.758
10 Mop “C” for cash, “H” for check, “D” for credit card. inf10.mop X(1) X C 6.758
11 Dms_status This is only used for DMS customers. It indicates if there is an error on the transaction for users with dealer management systems. inf10.dms_status X(1) X A 6.758
12 Credit Card Code The code identifying the type of credit card used for the paid-in. inf10.cctype X(4) X V 6.758
13 Credit Card Number The number of the credit card used for the paid-in. inf10.ccnum X(19) X 111111111111111 6.758
14 Credit Card Expiration Date The expiration date of the credit card used for the paid-in. inf10.ccexp X(5) X 01-01 6.758
15 Credit Card Approval Code The approval code of the credit card used for the paid-in. inf10.ccaprvl X(10) X 111111 6.758
16 Check Number The number of the check used for the paid-in. inf10.chknum X(11) X 11111111 6.758
17 Hour Hour the paid-in or -out was processed. inf10.hour #(2) X 12 6.758
18 Minute Minute the paid-in or -out was processed. inf10.minute #(2) X 01 6.758
19 Credit Card Flag “S” – swiped, “M” – manual, “N” – user entered approval inf10.cc_flag X(1) X S 6.758
20 Employee Unique ID The unique ID of the employee doing the paid in/out. hrfp.uid X(20) X TB3JRE 11.2
21 Event Created Flag This flag signals a successful publish of that event. evt_created X(1) X Y 22.8

* The Output Format column uses X to represent string fields and # to represent numeric fields. E.g. X(5) represents a string up to five characters in length.  #(14) represents a number up to 14 digits in length.