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Merge Vehicles

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The Process

The vehicle merge process communicates real-time with ISI Central, so a store location must be able to communicate with the ISI Central vehicle sharing service in order to process a vehicle merge. The merge process is driven by mkf1merge.flx and replaces the existing merge process once ISI Central vehicle sharing is activated.

Pressing (F5) Merge in Maintain Vehicle History brings up the Vehicle Merge screen:



TO VEH. ID: D348D                                                 STATE: CO        FROM VEH. ID:                                                         STATE: CO

MAKE:    CHEVROLET                                              YEAR: 2009      MAKE:                                                                          YEAR:

MODEL:   MALIBU                                                                             MODEL:

ENGINE:  4cyl 2.4L FI                                                                        ENGINE:

LAST NAME:  Personett                                                                   LAST NAME:

FIRST NAME: Tony                                                                            FIRST NAME:

ADDRESS:    7686 Bristol Wood                                                     ADDRESS:


ZIP CODE:   80108                                                                            ZIP CODE:

CITY:       Castle Rock                                          STATE: CO           CITY:                                                                           STATE:

VIN:                                                                                                    VIN:

PHONE(H):  (303) 877-4023                                                           PHONE( ): ( )

EMAIL:                                                                                               EMAIL:

   DATE           ODOM     SERVICE CODES                                      DATE          ODOM       SERVICE CODES

08/10/2011   34756  FS                                                 




The cursor begins at the FROM VEH. ID:  entry. Once the user enters the FROM VEH ID, the system verifies the vehicle exists and is not currently being invoiced or merged at the store. If these checks pass, both “from” and “to” vehicles are set to a “merging” status and any unprocessed vehicle changes for the two vehicles are uploaded to ISI Central. During the upload process the following message is displayed:


  Uploading un-processed changes to webCentral 

                 Please wait…..             


After the upload, the most current data for both vehicles is downloaded from ISI Central and the display is refreshed. The system prompts, Are you sure you want to merge?. If N, the process stops and the cursor returns to the FROM VEH. ID entry. If Y, the program performs another vehicle data download from ISI Central (in case either vehicle was deleted or changed by a different store since the previous download) then sends a merge request to ISI Central. The ISI Central server will perform the merge operation and return the deleted “from” vehicle information and the updated “to” vehicle information. LubeSoft processes the vehicle data download from ISI Central, removes shadow records for both vehicles, and displays a message indicating the merge was successful:


  The merge was successful.  


  Press any key to continue. 


If the merge fails, the following message is displayed with additional information about why it failed:


  There was an error merging these vehicles.         





  Press any key.                                     


Example error message:

Unable to complete requested merge of ___
with ___. Please try again or contact ISI
support to determine the cause.

After either a success or error message, the cursor returns to the vehicle ID field with the “merge to” vehicle ID pre-populated on the Maintain Vehicle History screen.